Tuesday, August 14, 2007


My husband agreed to come with me today to the nutritionist in order to get the results and to ask some questions of his own. I was actually quite disappointed with her responses, with the report and with her attitude in general. So, I think that perhaps he was right to be skeptical this time.

My biggest problem with the report was that it told us virtually nothing specific to my son. There was maybe a paragraph listing the different sports that were considered 'active' but no other explanation of just what that meant. The other four pages of the report were an outline of the program we'd be expected to follow: three to six visits initially, then anywhere from twelve to thirty-six weeks following, depending on progress. There wasn't even any specific explanation of what the two supplements were that she was recommending; she just said that they were homeopathic - not even a name brand. This lack of information disturbed me.

I asked about the specific reasons for the dietary changes, and the reasoning behind removing dairy from Gus's diet was mostly for physical reasons - it produces more phlegm in the body. That has nothing to do with his Asperger's, though.

Then my husband got around to asking his questions. He asked about clinical trials, about where he could get more specific information on the technique. She got somewhat defensive and actually seemed annoyed that he wasn't all gung-ho over her methods. And, although she said that she was fine with our decision to wait until we get back Gus's blood work before putting him on any homeopathic remedy, she did become very cold and short. This bugged me as well.

I mean, really, if I was going to give my son medication from a doctor, I'd want to do some checking on it. It's perfectly reasonable for a parent to ask such questions, and now I'm glad that my husband stopped me from jumping in (although I expect that I would have hesitated once I saw the lack of info in the report anyway).

So at this point, my opinion of Nutrition Response Testing is not good; it may change if we find that she was right from the blood tests. But as for now, not something I'd recommend.


  1. Good for you sticking to your guns. So many of these experts expect to be treated gurus.
    Best wishes

  2. Ditto. Sometimes mom really does know best.

  3. Congratulations on being both able to get your DH to go with you and also being able to change your mind when you did not like the answers you were getting.

    It is so easy to get so attached to being right that one forges on regardless of better judgement, but you avoided that.

    We sort of limit milk and dairy in general for our older son due to phlegm issues, but that is a whole lot different from the total ban we had for the little one's allergy.



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